My journey through the world of creative imagery started as a child watching my father's fascination with cameras and photographs. My uncle gave me a Pentax SLR in the early 1970s and as a self-taught photographer, I became one of my high school's yearbook and newspaper photographers.
As a college student, my work was mostly free lanced to the college's yearbook and newspaper staffs, but I also loved to shoot nature and wildlife images. I did an occasional portrait or wedding shoot for friends and family, but my heart always drew me back to the north woods of Minnesota.
I took a respite from photography during the time between college and medical school. My creative path took me to the video camcorder. After several years of creating ski videos for both entertainment and education, I rediscovered the still photograph, but now in a digital form.
My leanings toward nature photopgraphy returned and I have spent many days redeveloping my eye in the canoe country of northern Minnesota's Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, America's first National Park, and, lately, northwest Montana.
My earlier disappointments with the use of black and white film were just learning experiences and now I've begun to see my visions come to life in black and white, while complementing my color images.